A Different look at Disney...


Hello Indy (continued)

But an hour later you're still hungry
Photo: David "Darkbeer" Michael

It should prove interesting to see if they can pull this one off, especially for the menu at the Blue Bayou. The good news is that the Pavilion complex will be left with a new modern kitchen, which would be perfect for whipping up Teriyaki steak and fried rice for, oh say, an adjoining Tahitian Terrace?)

And that takes us to 2009, doesn't it? That's a year that no one in TDA is really looking forward to right now. There will be no new attraction to open, except for the new version of It's A Small World that has quickly become a PR nightmare for Disney (current reports from the facility under renovation are that it won't make the Thanksgiving deadline and will reopen in winter '09).


DCA will be heavily into the construction phase, with lots of walls and construction mess taking away what little charm that park currently has. Disneyland would also have lots of construction going on, with plans to replace the aging streetcar tracks and cracking pavement all up and down Main Street, greeting incoming visitors on Main Street USA with walls everywhere instead of old fashioned Midwest charm.

To make things worse, the latest economic forecasts have TDA worried just how much attendance could dip in a major recession, especially with local housing prices dropping like a rock.

Hello Main Street Electrical Parade

So what is Ed Grier's plan to counter this one-two-three punch of theme park misery? He's going to bring back the Electrical Parade to Disneyland!


At least that's the current plan, to create a marketing campaign to run from spring through Christmas of 2009 that focuses on the entertainment offered at Disneyland. The campaign would tout the new daytime "Wonder" parade that will debut at Disneyland in '09 once the Main Street paving is complete. And at the same time in the spring the Electrical Parade would move from DCA back over to Disneyland, where it was supposed to have "glowed away forever" 13 years earlier.

Glow away...
Photo: David "Darkbeer" Michael

A new lead float to replace the Blue Fairy is being proposed for the Electrical Parade, and thus far a sparkling Tinker bell unit is the favored proposal. A new finale is also to be cooked up for the popular Remember fireworks show, and Fantasmic will continue with the impressive lighting and pyrotechnic changes from this year, plus the sharp new digital projectors that are going to light up the mist screens this fall.

The only substantial offerings in all of this is the new daytime parade, the Tinker bell float, and the reworked fireworks finale (which only diehard fans will pick up on). But the whole campaign would be built around the concept of visiting Disneyland specifically for all of the entertainment offerings.

Now certainly Disneyland has the biggest and best parades and night spectaculars of any one theme park in America, no one could argue that. Only Tokyo Disneyland outdoes Disneyland USA when it comes to parades, but Tokyo has no Fantasmic and a wimpy and short fireworks show hampered by gusty wind off of Tokyo Bay. And the similar offerings at WDW are spread between four different parks that make it virtually impossible to catch it all in one day.

Photo: David "Darkbeer" Michael

So it should be interesting to see if a campaign reminding people of the basic Disneyland entertainment offerings that have been around for 15 or 30 years will really drive attendance. And the concept of the Electrical Parade returning to Disneyland might be controversial to some, while others who have seen it repeatedly in DCA might not even care, all to the chagrin of the TDA planners who are hoping the return engagement packs 'em in for 2009.

Let's just hope we can muddle through to 2010, when the 55th Anniversary party offers a more cohesive marketing message and some legitimately exciting offerings. But that's for another update.


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Oh-kay - that should do it for today.

Keep in mind updates only get posted when there is something to report on, and not before. It takes time to confirm things, and even then we can only offer a snapshot of a continually evolving story. Just like the happiest place on earth, patience is a virtue; the queue may take a while before you can enjoy the attraction. ;)

Yet again we've hit some record numbers lately here on the site, and thanks to all of your kind donations to the payboxes, we've been able to keep the bills paid. As I've said before, we're only here due to all of your efforts.

See you at Disneyland!

Al Lutz may be e-mailed at [email protected] - Please keep in mind he may not be able to respond to each note personally.

© 2008 Al Lutz

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A Different look at Disney...
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