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Dino Show

I've recently had the chance to see Walking With Dinosaurs: The Live Experience, a touring show put on the BBC, the same guys who made the Walking With Dinosaurs TV shows. Think of it as a production with the same scope (and running time, and ticket cost) as a Cirque du Soleil show. Except you've got giant, life-sized dinosaurs moving around the theater. Moving quite convincingly, I might add. The small ones were literally people wearing rubber suits, but the bigger ones I couldn't tell. I think they were oversized puppets, not robots. They didn't walk on their own feet, like Disney's Lucky the Dino, and instead relied on a flat moving base between their legs. But that's all right. They moved convincingly, and the show was fun.

It was expensive, though. It's the kind of show where I'm delighted to say that I went once, but I'd only ever consider going again for tickets at half the price, or even less. As it was, the late morning show we attended was very sparsely attended. There were easily more than half the seats in the arena unfilled.

There were tracks for us to "walk with dinosaurs."

The stegosaurus is larger than you're expecting.

The show's dramatic. The juvenile brachiosaur was threatened by an allosaurus, but the mother brachiosaur came to the rescue.

The pterosaur sequence was static, and lasted too long.

The show jumps eras to the Cretaceous, when (inflatable) flowers appear.

Two male torosauruses compete for herd dominance.

A torosaurus and an ankylosaurus ganged up on a baby T-Rex, but then Mama T-Rex enters the arena.

The large, loud, and terrifying T-Rex all but attacks the audience.

The T-Rex family bewails the attack of the comet, and the end of their dominance on the planet.

Bottom line: this is a great show, and you should see it when it comes to your town. We wished in retrospect we'd chosen seats "on the side" rather than at one end of the arena (basketball court), since the view would have been better. And I'm not sure it was worthwhile to be up close.

Oh, and don't try to bring in cameras with detachable lenses (ie, anything expensive). They won't let those in.

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© 2008 Kevin Yee

A Different look at Disney...
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